And they clearly excited because they know the next surprise that’s around the corner. The docents who lead the tours are wonderful and loaded with stories and seem to be just as amazed by what they are showing you as you are seeing it. And around every corner is another story. Where Saguaro furniture is next to huge native baskets and fine German porcelain dishes.
That is literally the definition of ‘man made.’ Or ‘labor of love.’ It’s amazing to be looking out over the vastness of Phoenix from a place where every surface is covered in a mosaic of river rock, glass, tiles, and other desert objects. The Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California, sits between the eight lanes of the I-280 freeway, a mobile home park, and the remains of a Space Age movie theater. That still only partially has plumbing and electricity. That was built entirely by hand using found, used, and rejected materials. That was built by a father with tuberculosis to fulfill his daughter’s dreams. Who knew that, after driving thru the vast somewhat anonymous south Phoenix suburbs you’d find a castle that is this distinct. This was an excellent way to spend a cool, cloudy Arizona day, and well worth the drive from northern to southern Phoenix.

This is the kind of place where you think you've see it, yet when you look in the next room or walk through the same room, there is something new/different each time. Our tour guide provided a wealth of interesting stories. What's remarkable is when you actually realize that what you're looking at was a lived-in home and that it was made out of things collected or given to the builder and his daughter. There is a little bit of everything from furniture to art to.junk. Nice job! The insides are almost indescribable regarding their themes.

After a short amount of time at each stop along the way, he re-gathered the touring guests and moved to the next area of the venue. Our tour guide provided background information on how the Castle was created, and was very casual about letting everyone look around. Try to control your emotional tension while you explore the. Our group was quite large, but the Castle can accommodate a larger group. Mystery House is a boardgame that brings back all the experience and emotions of a real escape room, directly to your home. Our tour guide was friendly, upbeat, and knowledgeable. What we saw on the tour, however, was so much more than online words and pictures can provide. Time: Allow 2 hours minimum.We had heard about and read online about the Mystery Castle. Halloween Candlelight and Friday the 13th Flashlight tours also are offered. The Mansion Tour includes a 65-minute guided walk through the interior, a self-guiding tour of the Victorian gardens and access to two museums displaying collections of Winchester rifles and other products made by the arms manufacturing company. The design was so complex-160 rooms, 2,000 doors, 13 bathrooms, 10,000 windows, 47 fireplaces, blind closets, secret passageways and 40 staircases-that the heiress and her servants needed maps to navigate their way around. By looking at the house within the framework of labyrinths Sarah Winchesters memory-which has. Bristling with a multitude of gables and cupolas, the wooden structure was under continuous construction for 38 years until Winchester passed away in 1922. The Winchester Mystery House is often called a labyrinth. (between I-280 and Stevens Creek Blvd.) This Victorian mansion's labyrinthine layout was designed to baffle the spirits that allegedly haunted Sarah Winchester, heiress to the Winchester Arms fortune and mistress of the house.